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Business and Marketing Series for Teaching Freelancers

To avoid a teaching career's three-year death cycle

Too many teaching freelancers think that if they build the best product or service, the world will find it.  —somehow—

Most teaching freelancers think students will show up if they build the best product or develop the best professional teaching service.  The reality is—they still won’t come!

Unless students know you exist (and should they by chance find you and you can also provide them with the type of courses they are looking for), they won’t come  —if at all—

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This series of books will help you avoid a teaching career’s three-year death cycle

The freelance series provides a helpful framework for reaching out and catching your future students’ attention. Without good marketing, your efforts will remain unrealised. And without good marketing, your teaching career’s three-year death cycle will begin.

Every year, freelancers lose their teaching careers because they misunderstand an essential skill—the art and science of getting students to find you.

You’ve spent your time and money on getting your qualifications and certificates. But these programmes never teach you how to get students yourself or run your own teaching service.

Waiting for students to come to you is never a reliable marketing strategy
Your teaching service is just ONE  (of how many?)  on the market. How can you gain visibility and stand in the spotlight of attention? So that new students suddenly realise your teaching service EXISTS?

From my freelance teaching experience, after working for more than twenty years teaching English in Germany, the best strategy starts by finding your preferred student — the one you love teaching above all others.

Once you’ve caught your preferred students’ attention, the next step is to get them to attend your courses. And that’s the big secret—the only secret you need to understand. It will ensure your freelance teaching career doesn’t become yet another victim of the three-year death cycle. Once your preferred students attend your courses, they recommend you to others—their friends and colleagues. 

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These books provide teaching freelancers with the framework to sustain their teaching careers. And future preferred students will find your teaching service wherever they live in the immense global teaching market.